Managing Directors

Owen Brewer

Favorite quote:

"The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well."-John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Ask me about:

Kiteboarding, language learning, growing up in the Northwest, or what book I am reading


My key areas of expertise

GTM DiagnosticsProspecting / Sales / Expansion PlaybooksInitiatives to move up-market

Some of my clients

My experience prior to WbD

My key points of advice to Revenue leaders

  • Never stop listening to customer facing calls, you may be surprised at how this changes your understanding of your job.
  • Try to frame your strategy/decisions based on the life time value of your customers, and be bold in resourcing the most impactful initiatives.
  • Be unrelenting in getting your data environment under control early, and manage to the numbers. Your team will follow suit, and your role will be elevated in the leadership team.

My example Deliverables