If we were meeting face to face right now, I’d most definitely have a giant smile on my face and would be keen to get to know you. Discovering common threads and making meaningful connections is an art, and a skill I continue to hone every day.
Since we aren’t yet engaged in a good conversation, I’ll share a bit more about myself: I’m a ball of energy, a positive thinker and a natural maximizer. I’m a sales leader with over 15 years of experience working in the adult learning, education & leadership development space. I am passionate about connecting people, products and solutions. I get particularly pumped when I can help my team or colleagues connect the dots in order to realize their own success.
My experience has greatly enriched both my selling and management styles, in several critical ways:
– The value of good client discovery
– The importance of leading with humility
– The power of empathy and vulnerability
– The complexities of navigating change
– and the importance of asking “why”
…all while delivering impact and results.
Certified to teach
Selling for Impact
Bring more impact to your customers through more effective conversations, provocative discovery, and win-win trading.
Prospecting for Impact
Apply proven techniques for bringing value to your prospects — not prospecting tricks or 'quick hacks', but methods that put the customer's pain points at the center of your prospecting process.
Account Management for Growth
Expand customer accounts by building effective account expansion skills, including how to uncover opportunities, conduct strategic planning, and build and deepen relationships.
Selling Into Enterprise Accounts
Deliver more impact to your Enterprise customers through effective stakeholder management, provocative discovery, and win-win trading.
Managing For Impact
Go beyond minding the metrics as a revenue manager; build the skills necessary to become a true coach for your team.