Our brand is a reflection of our shared success. We ask all WbD partners to carefully follow these guidelines when using our brand assets. Your attention to these details strengthens our collective market presence.

For any questions or further clarification, please contact our Marketing Team at marketing@winningbydesign.com.

Logo Usage
You can find detailed instructions on logo usage, including size, placement, and color variations here.

Primary colors: black and white, which highlight the academic and scientific basis of our frameworks and research.

Secondary colors: Sky Blue and Light Gray. Sky Blue serves as an accent color, used sparingly in marketing materials as a highlight. Light Gray is used primarily to break apart slides and visuals, adding structure and clarity without overwhelming the design. Find more details on the color palette here.

Default font: Roboto. This font supports a range of expressions, from bold statements to subtle emphasis, making it versatile for various applications. Roboto Medium is used for most titles and Roboto Light is used for most body text. Find specific font usage guidelines here.

The Bowtie Model
The Bowtie Model is WbD’s customer-centric framework for a recurring revenue business, extending the classic marketing and sales funnel to cover the critical stages responsible for recurring revenue growth. It should be used only in the correct aspect ratio, with 1px lines.

For details on the Bowtie Model: The Bowtie Model Standard
For guidelines on how to use the Bowtie visual: The Bowtie of Truth

Our icons are typically black and white, with 1px lines and minimal black fill. See some examples here.