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David Gordillo
Favorite quote:
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."-Abraham Lincoln
Ask me about:
Revenue Architecture, SaaS businesses, books to read, travel tips.
My areas of expertise
Revenue Architecture - Bowtie Data ModelRevenue Architecture - Growth ModelRevenue Architecture - GTM ModelRevenue Architecture Operating ModelGTM - Account PlanningGTM - Enterprise Sales DesignGTM - Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)GTM - Leadership AlignmentGTM - SaaS Benchmark MetricsGTM - SaaS Roles and Org DesignGTM - Sustainable GrowthManager Coaching - Managing with MetricsManager Coaching - REKS FrameworkManager Coaching - Developing a Coaching CadenceRevenue Enablement - SPICEDRevenue Enablement - Methodology Adoption Best Practices
Some of my clients
My Key Points
- GTM fit is paramount to effectively scale a business and break the $100M milestone in recurring revenue.